Sheer is the key word in makeup for this summer. And Chanel has you covered.
Chanel recently launched their new Tinted Moisturizers. These foundations have Hyaluronic Acid to help plump the skin up and give you a luminous glow. They also have an SPF of 30 to protect your skin from sun damage.
I recently purchased 3 shades to try out on my clients and I have to say, they are fabulous. They give a beautiful glow to the skin while giving you a nice skin tone balance. They even out your skin, yet let your freckles still show through.
This is not a foundation that gives you traditional coverage. It's really about giving you a more balanced glow. If you need a bit more coverage I would suggest using a concealer or a bit of the Chanel CC cream in areas to balance the skin out more.
This is the perfect foundation for the summer. Just squirt a bit out into your hands, massage into your skin and your out the door looking more balanced and glowing. Give these a try for yourself.